Not Always True Generalizations

Today, I am in one of those moods when I just want to oversimplify. The generalizations below are convenient derivatives of my very limited experience. I have to confess that I am embarrassed about this postingI just want to lock these generalizations in this posting and then forget about it. I cannot allow these thoughts to interfere in my interaction with clients. Preconceived notions can be expensive.

Finance: Paranoid and finicky—stickler for details and content accuracy. Their typical mindset—no one knows how to represent our facts better than we do. They seem to be paranoid about legalities—given a choice, they would probably follow each sentence with one disclaimer and two exceptions. They expertise in making straightforward thought/sentence seem complex.

Pharmaceutical: Similar to Finance. Paranoid particularly about the content—how the formula is written and explained, chemical compositions of the drugs, application of the drugs, the physiological impact of the drugs on human body—each word, even comma seems to have a different meaning!

Hi tech: They vacillate from being particular about details to being relaxed. Unless the issue is blatant or recurring, their general tendency is towards being relaxed.

Manufacturing: Unless there are other compelling factors, for example, if a mega event is being planned for the product launch, they are generally relaxed. As for their solution design, they love a lot of movement on the page. They use different strategies to drive home why they want movement—audience likes it, CXO preference, our content is better represented with more movement and if all else fails, sulking.

Automotive: They are initially suspicious—Are you sure you know automotives? It can be very complicated and not many people get it, espiecially women. However, once you establish your worth in their eyes—they like to trust your decisions completely.

Retail: Creative, high energy, they always want quick results and justification for every instructional or visual strategy used.


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