Instruction Designer's Expectation from QE Testing
Important Note : Assume that there is a separate the content QE process that addresses script styles, grammar and other issues for the script and this QE refers primarily to the functionality check. There are no missing instruction text. Instruction/common text are consistent and accurately written. Popups, glossary, resources, jobtools, instruction text, page numbers, slide numbers, coach, tutor and all other course features and attributes function as expected. Exceptions are well-addressed. Popups, glossary, resources, jobtools, instruction text, page numbers, slide numbers, coach, tutor and all other common course features and attributes have consistent look and feel and reference, for curriculum development. The content flow is alignes with the script. Reverse flow is well desgned. There are no usability concerns - for example, no distinction betweem visited and not visited states. Outstanding alpha, beta and other issues are adequately addressed and implemented. Image quality and ...